Magda Cocco joined Vieira de Almeida & Associados in 1994. She is currently one of the partners in charge of the TMT – Telecoms, Media & IT practice and also head of Privacy, Data Protection, Cybersecurity and Aerospace practice group.
She holds a vast experience in the telecommunications sector in a variety of jurisdictions, with a special focus on Portuguese speaking countries, namely Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde and East Timor, where she has led multidisciplinary teams working on projects with some of the main electronic communications operators in those countries. Projects range from IPTV to Mobile Payments and networks rollout. She has advised Governments and Regulators in the definition of regulatory policies, in the drafting of legislation and several other specific projects in their areas of expertise.
She has worked on projects in the space sector, including on the negotiation of contracts for the construction and launching of satellites and the installation of the ground stations, as well as on drafting space policies.
She is a coordinating member of the Permanent Group for the Information Society Security of the Portuguese Association for the Development of an Information Society (Grupo Permanente de Segurança na Sociedade de Informação, da Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento da Sociedade da Informação – APDSI).
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