Dr Alice Gorman is an internationally recognised leader in the emerging field of space archaeology. Her research on space exploration has been featured in National Geographic, the Monocle, and Archaeology magazine. She is a faculty member of the International Space University’s Southern Hemisphere Space Program in Adelaide.
She has worked extensively in Indigenous heritage management, providing advice for mining industry, urban development, government departments, local councils and Native Title groups in NSW, WA, SA and Queensland. She is also a specialist in stone tool analysis, and the Aboriginal use of bottle glass after European settlement.
Alice is a Media Liaison Officer for the Australian Archaeological Association, book review editor of the journal Australian Archaeology, and a Councillor of the Anthropological Society of South Australia. She tweets as @drspacejunk
Alice’s blog: https://zoharesque.blogspot.com.au/
Job title:
Space Archaeologist
Flinders University, Australia -
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